Brno 22 Rifle & Scope
£200/£175 21′ Barrel4 Shot MagScrew Cut For ModeratorNiko Stirling Mount master 4-12×50 AO Scope
£200/£175 21′ Barrel4 Shot MagScrew Cut For ModeratorNiko Stirling Mount master 4-12×50 AO Scope
£800/£700 The Glock G48 MOS is a good reliable slimline 9mm pistol with a lot of potential to be a great conceal carry option. Some of the features leave a bit to be desired and may fall short of some folks’ expectations. For those familiar with Glock pistols, the best way I can describe the …
£800/£750 With the G17 Gen5 MOS GLOCK enhances the already near-perfect Gen5 model of “The original” with the addition of the Modular Optic System (MOS). The slide is precision machined to provide a mounting system for popular optic sights. With multiple adapter plates, you can quickly and easily mount miniature red dot sights to the rear of the Gen5 GLOCK …
£450/£400 18ftlb FAC RatedUnder LeverThumbhole Beech stockNiko Stirking 4-9 x40 Crown ScopeExcellent condition
£1400/£1350 30′ BarrelsExtended Multi-chokesSingle Selective TriggerCased with chokes etcBeautiful woodExcellent Condition
£445/£395 Hard Walther Range Case3 x 16 Round Mags2 Alternative Back StrapsVery Good Condition The P99AS has three different trigger pulls in all (Anti Stress, single action, double action). The QA only has one (heavy 8.4lb single action trigger)
£700/£650 FS 92 Compact2 x 13 Round MagsPistol Range CaseInstruction ManualPPW has only Had Ballistic Shots Fired
£1999 Brand New!! 30′ Sporter12g Over and UnderMulti-chokeEjectorMagnum and Steel ProofBRAND NEW
£1875 Brand New B525 CompositeAdjustable Stock30′ BarrelsSteel and Magnum ProofBRAND NEW!!
£2675 30′ Non Adjustable Sporter12g Extended Multi ChokeSingle Selective TriggerMatt Finished BarrelsBRAND NEW